
Hi, I'm Dhani

I am a mature team worker and easily adaptable to all challenging situations. I am able to work well both in a team environment and using my own initiative. I am able to work well under pressure and adhere to tight deadlines.

Web Development

Web Development

I am able to develop websites with the technologies I learned such as, html, css, php, codeigniter, laravel, and understand a little bit of reactjs and javascript.

Seo Optimization

SEO Optimization

I am able to optimize SEO with the tools that I usually use, such as Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, Keyword Tool, Google Trends, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Pagespeed Insight, and know a little about Google Keyword Planner.

Web Design

Web Design

I am able to design a web page using tools like Figma and Adobe XD


My Work

Comming Soon
Comming Soon
Comming Soon
My Latest Work

My Latest Work

The following are the works that I have done:


Get In Touch

How can I help ? I want to hear from you